News and Changes


Added in all old contract examples with effusive warning labels.


Uploaded the word accurate copies of the scripts to all Soundgasm NSFW audios. Massive thanks to A for proofing these.


Re-added the Class Kit, an extensible full-source-provided set of templates for running your own in-person erotic hypnosis basics class. This will be updated as I go along with further content as it is an important part of teaching and spreading high quality HypnoKink education.


Reorganised internal file structure to make content easier to find.
Recreated MindKink Wiki and began moving and updating all written content to this as primary location with exported PDF's as needed.


Add new improved formatted combined Podcast Episode Notes PDF to root directory.
Added all source files for replication to Source Files Directory.
Created the Audios - Extras Folder and uploaded several audios I've wanted to make for a long time.
Uploaded several additional podcast episodes.


Added several research papers on Cold Control Theory to Third Party Resources.


Added several external podcast episodes that cover hypnokink to Third Party Resources Folder.


Update old booklists and relocated to root directory, removed dead links, updated with additonal resources, and merged booklists for General and Erotic Hypnotists into a single combined list.


Added Hypnokink Zines from HypnoKink Zine Jam to Third Party Resources.
Added audio of publically available Charmed Con Interviews from Youtube to Third Party Resources.


Added additional material on Clicker Training to Third Party Resources Folder.


Added new Torrent download system and updated instructions on Resources Folder page.

Transcoded all audios to OPUS file format - to massively reduce size of folder while preserving audio quality to facilitate easier downloads using normal system.

Removed some Brainwashing Audios pending an upgrade of their quality.