A Possible Training Contract

Discuss this agreement before meeting in person and agree with her on the content. When you meet in person, read through it together, address any issues and once agreement has been reached by both parties, sign the Training Contract, issue her with a Training Collar and begin the Work of building a great relationship and a useful and pleasing Submissive.

Remember that:

• Your training contract should be limited by time, not by outcome.
• It’s important to revaluate regularly, as well as to be consistent in what you have written and agreed to.
• Your health and safety is even more important that the health and safety of your submissive. Always take care of your needs (physical, emotional, etc) first.

Feel free to copy and modify the example Training Contract below

Example Text Below:

I, SUBMISSIVE NAME do agree to be instructed in the following areas of skill by <DOMINANT’s NAME> for a period of XXXX weeks. During that time I will be subject to his Guidance, his Rules, Corrections and possibly his Punishments all of which I will accept enthusiastically and with grace as befitting my clear pride in submitting to <DOMINANT’s NAME>.

It has been discussed with me and I have agreed to be trained in the following areas:

• Domestic Service
• Sexual Skills
• Driving and chauffeuring

I understand that my safewords during this period are YELLOW to bring activities down in intensity and RED to bring a complete halt to activities. I understand that it is my responsibility to use these if needed and that I will not be punished for doing so. I understand that I can end this period of Training at any time by submitting the desire in writing to DOMINANTS NAME and by handing back their Training Collar. I understand that the Dominant can end this training period at any time verbally and by taking back their Training Collar.

This contract is valid until DATE at which point it will be renegotiated.

I understand that this contract is not legally binding under the Laws of Australia and agree to hold myself to my agreements in spite of this.


Signature of Submissive: Signature of Dominant: