Possible Questions for Connection
NOTE - These are here just for completeness and are not really in a workable or usable form. They are designed to provide a few ideas or inspirations, not for use as a whole and actual system.
Level 1 - Perception
● What’s the first thing you noticed about me?
● What do you think I’m most likely to splurge on?
● What was your first impression of me?
● What compliment do you think I hear the most?
● Do you think I fall in love easily? Why or why not?
● What fast food restaurant do you think I’m most likely to drive through? What’s my order?
● As a child, what do you think I wanted to be?
● Do you think I was popular in school? Explain.
● Do you think plants thrive or die in my care? Explain.
● What does my phone wallpaper tell you about me?
● Who do you think my celebrity crush is?
● Do you think I’ve ever checked an ex’s phone for evidence?
● Do I seem like a coffee or tea person? Sweetened or unsweetened?
● How likely am I to go camping? How high maintenance is my set-up?
● What character would I play in a movie?
● Finish this sentence: Just by looking at you, I’d think _____.
● What about me is most strange or unfamiliar to you?
● Do you think I’m usually early, on time, or late to events? Explain.
● Do I remind you of anyone? Explain.
● If Myspace were still a thing, what would my profile song be?
● Do you think I’ve ever been fired from a job? If so, what for?
● Do you think I intimidate others? Why or why not?
● What do you think my go-to karaoke song is?
● What do you think is the hardest part of what I do for a living?
● What reality show do you think I’m most likely to binge watch? Explain.
● Do I seem like a cat or dog person?
● What do my shoes tell you about me?
● Do I seem like more of a creative or analytical type? Explain.
● What subject do you think I thrived in at school? Did I fail any?
● Do I seem like a morning person or night owl? Why?
● If you were to buy me a present, knowing nothing about me other than what I look like, what would it be?
● Do I look kind? Explain.
● On a scale of 1-10, how messy do you think my car is? 1 being cleanest, 10 a complete disaster. Explain.
● What is my body language telling you right now?
● Do I seem like someone who would get a name tattooed on myself? Why or why not?
● How many speeding tickets do you think I’ve gotten in my life?
● What does my Instagram tell you about me?
● Rate your dancing skills on a scale of 1-10. On the count of three, say your answers out loud! (Both players)
● Close your eyes. What color is my shirt?
● Make an assumption about me. (both players)
● Write down something others would never guess about you just by looking at you. (Both players) Compare.
● Think of your favorite brand of cereal. On the count of three, say your answers out loud! (Both players)
● Maintain eye contact for thirty seconds. What did you notice?
● Reminder: Let go of your attachment to the outcome.
● Think of your favorite childhood TV show of all time. On the count of three, say it out loud! (Both players)
● Close your eyes. What color are my eyes?
● Ask and answer the next question in a different accent. (Both players)
● Draw a picture together (30 seconds).
● Draw a portrait of each other to the best of your ability. (1 minute) Then exchange.
Level 2 - Connection
● Finish the sentences: Strangers would describe me as _____. Only I know that I am _____.
● When you’re asked how are you, how often do you answer truthfully?
● What is a compliment you wish you received more frequently?
● What question are you trying to answer most in your life right now?
● What do you crave more of?
● Describe your perfect day.
● Have you changed your mind about anything recently?
● What’s been the best compliment a stranger has ever given you?
● What is the most unexplainable thing that’s ever happened to you?
● What would your younger self not believe about your life today?
● Has a stranger ever changed your life?
● What title would you give this chapter of your life?
● What is something you wouldn’t want to change about yourself?
● How can you become a better person?
● What has been your earliest recollection of happiness?
● What are you more afraid of, failure or success? And why?
● What’s your father’s name? And tell me one thing about him.
● How would you describe the feeling of being in love in one word?
● When was the last time you surprised yourself?
● Is there a feeling you miss?
● If you could have it your way: Who would you be with? Where would you be? What would you be doing?
● Do you think the image you have of yourself matches the image people see you as?
● If you have, when was the moment you realized you weren’t invincible?
● What lesson took you the longest to unlearn?
● What part of your life works? What part of your life hurts?
● What is your first love’s name and the reason you fell in love with him/her?
● What’s been your happiest memory this past year?
● If you could get to know someone in your life on a deeper level, who would it be and why?
● How are you, really?
● What about me intrigues you?
● Are you lying to yourself about anything?
● What are you still trying to prove to yourself?
● What’s your mother’s name? And the most beautiful thing about her?
● Have you ever told someone I love you but didn’t mean it? If so, why?
● What is the last thing you lied to your mother about?
● What’s a dream you’ve let go of?
● Are you missing anyone right now? Do you think they are missing you too?
● What’s the most pain you’ve ever been in that wasn’t physical?
● Reminder: Be more interested in understanding others than being understood.
● Press shuffle on your music library. Explain the first song that comes up.
● Ask a question you’d be too afraid to ask. Something you wouldn’t dare to ask.
● Call someone you admire and tell them why you appreciate them! (Put on speaker phone)
● Staring contest. First to blink must reveal a personal problem and ask your partner for advice on how they might handle it.
● Admit something.
● Draw your current mood. Then compare. (Both players)
● Both players write an embarrassing fun fact about yourselves. Play a game of rock - paper - scissors. Loser must reveal!
● Sing the chorus of your favorite song of all time. Get into it!
● Create a secret handshake!
● Both players write the three most important things in life to you. (30 seconds) Compare.
● Show the first photo in your camera roll. Explain.
● Questions are an art form. Create your own question.
● Swap seats with your partner.
● Think of something you strongly dislike that most people love. On the count of three, say it out loud. (Both players)
Level 3 - Reflection
● What can we create together?
● What answer of mine made you light up?
● What parts of yourself do you see in me?
● What do you admire most about me?
● What about me is hardest for you to understand?
● When this game is over, what will you remember about me?
● In one word, how would you describe our conversation?
● What do you think our most important similarity is?
● How do our personalities complement each other?
● What question were you most afraid to answer?
● Why do you think we met?
● How does one earn your vulnerability? Have I earned it? How can I earn more?
● What would make you feel closer to me?
● Do you believe everyone has a calling? If so, do you think I’ve found mine?
● What do you think my defining characteristic is?
● In one word, describe how you feel right now.
● What has this conversation taught you about yourself?
● When in this game did you feel most connected to me?
● How would you describe me to a stranger?
● What would be the perfect gift for me?
● What about me most surprised you?
● Based on what you learned about me, what book would you recommend I read?
● What am I most qualified to give advice about?
● What do you think I should know about myself that perhaps I’m unaware of?
● What do you recommend I let go of, if anything?
● What do you think I fear the most?
● What do you think my weakness is?
● What do you think my superpower is?
● What is a lesson you will take away from our conversation?
● What do I need to hear right now?
● Based on what you know about me, do you have any Netflix recommendations?
● What can I help you with?
● Based on what you learned about me, does my social media accurately reflect who I am? Why or why not?
● What is one thing you think I can do that would dramatically improve my life?
● If we were in a band, what would our name be?
● Admit something.
● Give your partner a hug. Not the crappy kind. A warm fluffy one.
● Take a selfie together.
● Swap a song suggestion your partner may enjoy. (Both players)
● Write down one thing you want to let go of this year. Read out loud. Then rip up together. (Both players)
● Both players write a note to your younger selves. (1 minute) Option to compare.
● Both players share something you’re most grateful for in this current moment.
● Give each other nicknames.
● Play a round of rock - paper - scissors. Winner can ask their partner anything. Loser must answer.
● Create your own question. Make it count.
● Write down a goal for this year. Fold and exchange. Hold each other accountable. (Both players)
● Scroll through each other’s Instagrams. Find the picture you feel best represents your partner’s essence and comment why you chose that image.
● Dare your partner to do something outside of their comfort zone in the next week. (Both players)
● Give your partner a compliment you don’t think they hear enough.
● Write a song about your partner. (30 seconds) Then sing it aloud, get into it! (Both players)
Final question
● Each player write a message to the other. Fold and exchange. Open only once you two have parted.
Relationship expansion pack
Level 1 - Perception
● On a scale of 1-10, how open do you feel I am with you? Explain.
● What assumption did you make about me that turned out to be false?
● What was the first thing you noticed about me?
● What do you think my perfect date night would be?
● Who do you think was more nervous on our first date? Explain.
● How important do you think birthdays and holidays are to me? Explain.
Level 2 - Connection
● What would a day of completely spoiling me look like?
● What song best describes our relationship?
● What’s the most attractive thing I do without realizing it?
● What are you currently working through that I don’t see, if anything?
● What’s one small way I can be a better partner?
● What did our worst argument teach you?
● What’s the most romantic thing I’ve done for you recently?
● Do you think my job affects me positively or negatively? How does it affect us?
● How does one earn your trust? Have I earned it? How can I earn more?
● The hardest thing for me to reveal about myself to you was ____.
● What’s one small way I can improve our sex life?
● How does our age difference, or lack thereof, affect us? If at all?
● What has this relationship taught you about yourself?
● What fear do you think holds me back the most?
● Have I helped you change your mind about anything?
● How have you seen me grow in this relationship?
● When was the last time I hurt you, perhaps unintentionally?
● How do I show that I love you without telling you?
● What recent experience made you feel closer to me?
● What’s the most important lesson a past relationship has taught you?
● What have I helped you appreciate about yourself?
● How do our strengths and weaknesses complement each other?
● Are there any insecurities from previous relationships that you carried into this one? If so, what are they?
● Finish this sentence: Thank you for accepting ____.
● What have you been extra sensitive to lately?
● What immediately attracted you to me? What attracted you more over time?
● What do you wish we did more?
● What’s the best gift I’ve given you? Material and immaterial?
● What feelings are hard for you to communicate to me? How can I make it easier?
● What about you feels hardest to love?
● What made you fall in love with me?
Wild cards
● Write down the top 3 things your partner does that makes you feel most loved. Both players. Compare.
● Write a short guide of how you love your partner well. 30 seconds. Compare.
● Write down one small way you can be better in this relationship. Both players. Compare.
● Write a love song for your partner. 1 minute. Perform for each other.
● Write down the title you would give this chapter of our relationship. Compare.
● On a scale of 1-10, write down the importance of having kids to you. Compare and explain.
● Draw one of your favorite memories from our relationship. 30 seconds. Compare.
● Ask your partner something you’ve never asked them before.
Level 3 - Reflection
● What did this conversation teach you about our relationship? What did it teach you about yourself?
● What answer of mine surprised you the most throughout this game, if any?
● What don’t I give myself enough credit for?
● What about our relationship are you proudest of?
● Is there anything you still don’t know about me that you wish I did?
● Thank you for helping me realize ____ about myself.
● What goal would feel best for you to accomplish this year? How can I support you in that?
Wild cards
● Write down your intention for our relationship. Compare.
● Write down the top three things you’re most grateful for in your partner. 30 seconds. Compare.
Inner Circle Expansion Pack
Level 1 - Perception
● What do you think my main love language is?
● What do you think I’m most sensitive to?
Level 2 - Connection
● What’s brought you the most unexpected joy recently?
● When was the last time you felt most yourself?
● Finish the sentence: When I’m hurt I ___. Both players.
● Who in your life do you feel you can be your most vulnerable with? Explain.
● Have I ever challenged your world view? How so?
● What is a moment in our relationship that you felt undeniably loved?
● When’s the last time I surprised you?
● What’s the most fun you can remember having recently?
● What’s the hardest truth you had to face this past year?
● A perfect day together would be ____.
● How can I add 1% more happiness to your life?
● How can I best support you in this chapter in your life?
● When’s the last time you felt lucky to be you?
● What are you currently working through that I don’t see?
● What’s a feeling you’re uncomfortable sharing with me?
Wild cards
● Set an intention for this next week. Stick to it. (Both players)
● Draw your favorite memory with me. Both players. Compare.
● Ask me something you think is off limits. Both players.
● Sing your favorite song lyrics you can think of off the top of your head. Both players.
Level 3 - Reflection
● What are you proudest of me for?
● What’s something we should celebrate together?
● You’ve shown me ____ about myself.
● Finish the sentence: Thank you for ____. Both players.
Do you really know your best friend? How well do you know your mother, or sister, or anyone else close to you? WNRS is a purpose driven card game. Three carefully crafted levels that allow you to deepen your existing relationships and create new ones.
How to play - Rules for two players
Set aside the final card for the end of the game. Sit facing one another with level 1 cards face down. Now stare deeply into each other’s eyes - seriously. Stare into each other’s eyes. The first to blink first draws first.
Player A draws a card, player B answers. Alternate back and forth until a minimum of 15 cards are played for each level. Once 15 cards or more have been played per round, feel free to advance to the next level. Make sure to keep a pile of used cards separate to avoid confusion.
Option to answer questions you ask your partner and vice versa.
Final card
When’s the last time you received a handwritten note? That one time from your 6th grade crush? Us too. Within the deck you’ll find the final card that wraps up this game. Use the pencil and notepad to write your partner a note. Fold and exchange. Open up only once you two have departed.
Stranger danger! Do I have to play with a stranger? - Nope. Play with any human(s) you wish!
What are the three levels all about?
Level 1 (Perception)
Do you know how others see you? Level 1 is about gaining perspective on what first impressions we give off and challenging the assumptions we make about others. Answer with the first response that comes to your mind. If guessed incorrectly by your partner, feel free to reveal the actual answer.
Player A: What do you think I do for a living?
Player B: You look like an… athlete.
Player A: Interesting. I’m actually an accountant!
If playing with friends, answer the perception questions as if you were meeting for the first time. Feel free to skip any that you already know about each other.
Level 2 (Connection)
Who are you really? This round is about asking the rarely asked questions and connecting on a deeper level.
Level 3 (Reflection)
Time to reflect on your game experience.
Dig deeper cards
Each player gets a “dig deeper” card which can be used once per level. These cards are meant to encourage transparency if you feel your partner is holding back.
You like the way this sounds, don’t you? If you draw a wildcard, your partner must complete the instructions unless otherwise stated. These are meant to be spontaneous, and a lotta bit silly. These cards can appear at any moment during the game! Certain wildcards have a time limit. Have a phone handy to set the time!
If you draw a “create your own question” wildcard, the player holding the card must create their own question for their partner.
Multiplayer rules (3-6 players)
This game is optimized for two players, however, play this game with up to six people for an even stranger experience. To begin, sit in a circle with your group and place the game in the center.
Set a pencil in the middle of the group. If you draw a wildcard, spin the pencil once. The player that the pencil’s sharp end lands on must perform the wildcard with you. (Spin the bottle style)
Set a “dig deeper” card on each side of the circle for anyone’s use throughout the game. Each player can use the dig deeper card one time per level. Remember these cards are to encourage transparency.
To begin, write your first impressions in three sentences of less of each player in the group on a sheet of paper. Once every player has written their notes for each other, fold and exchange among the group. Make sure notes remain folded and anonymous. These are to be read aloud once the game is over.
Skip the first impressions question in level 1.
If you are playing with friends, try to remember what your first impressions were. Ignore the final card when playing in a group setting.
Person most hesitant to play this game must draw first!
Level 1:
Each player reads a question aloud and every participant answers the question.
Player A: What do you think I do for a living?
Player B: You look like an app developer!
Player C: No offense but…
Player D: I don’t know, starving artist?
If no one guesses correctly., feel free to reveal the answer!
Each player must read at least two question cards from this level and answer every question posed by other players to move on to the next level.
Level 2:
With the deck face down, each player will draw a card. When it’s your turn, read your question aloud and choose one player in the group to answer that question. You may not select a player that has just answered a question.
Level 3:
This round is played just like level one. Ask a question that each player must answer about you. Once level 3 is complete, the final step is to visit the first impression notes that were written to each person at the beginning of the game.