News and Changes
How I Do It - Content Creation Notes and Technical Details

Contact Me:

Signal - (strongly preferred)

This simple website contains all of my written material, including podcast notes and descriptions, guides, several extensive booklists, articles, technique breakdowns and processes and a few other things. There are more than 46,000 + words linked here. It is stored as a series of CommonMark files in the Resources Folder, so pulling a copy of that will also include this site. Tech details can be found above.

If you use any of the information in this resource, give credit where it is due and link people to my Website and credit The Wordsmith.

Bounty Program

If you find a factual error in these documents, I will pay you ten dollars and add your credit to the bottom of the front page. This is to actively encourage a "many eyes" approach and incentivise feedback and collaboration. Any updates can be emailed to the address above. Feedback on spelling and grammar is also accepted but is not generally financially rewarded.

Additional Podcast Material

Podcast Episode Show Notes Where you will find all of the notes and links mentioned in podcast episodes.

Podcast Episode Descriptions - Where you will find all the descriptions of podcast episodes and the topics they cover in detail.

Major Guides

2. Guides/Erotic Hypnosis Learning Pathways - UNFINISHED (UNFINISHED) - A good place to start.

Erotic Hypnosis Resources List - Educational - Contains an exhaustive and constantly updated list of Erotic Hypnosis Conventions, Websites, Educational Videos, Podcasts, media mentions of Erotic Hypnosis, Discord Servers and Hypnosis Software. Focus on Education.

Erotic Hypnosis Resources List - Pornographic - Contains an exhaustive and constantly updated list of Erotic Hypnosis Conventions, Websites, EH Patreon Creators, Discord Servers, Erotic Content in Video, Auditory and Written Form, and a list of Erotic Hypnosis Video Games. Focus on NSFW content.

Guide - How to use Hypnotic Audio Files - A simple guide on using Hypnotic Audio Files.



Other Lists and Miscellaneous

8. Miscellaneous/Transcript of the Australian Broadcasting Company Interview

Note to self: Links to pages on this page must be Wiki-style links, outgoing must be Markdown-style. Other pages can be Markdown-style


Thank you to A for proofing the completed copies of the scripts for the old brainwashing audios on Soundgasm.